Friday, September 25, 2009

Bundle Up Movie Review: Bright Star

We saw a preview of Bright Star last night, and I must say it really addressed the health concern of the old days, when it is suggested that you could in fact catch your death of cold (although even in the old days, getting chilled was probably not the direct cause of tuberculosis).

The movie presents the love between John Keats and Fanny Brawne. There were no evident libraries, but there was of course literature, and the whole health angle.

It was beautifully done. The settings and the clothes were wonderful to look at (although, to modern eyes, those outfits aren't really terribly flattering to the human form).

There was some nice acting as well. Nice interplay between the characters, main and supporting. It was one of those leisurely movies where things happen, and there are dramatic moments that then drift into other moments without there being a big This Is The Important Bit scene.

One can get used to action movie pacing, where things seem to always be building to explosions, so this was an interesting difference. Don't go to it for the explosions, but do go for the passion, the poetry, the garments, and the consumption.


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