Friday, July 18, 2008

Murder Most Justified

I attended one of those Murder Mystery Dinner Party things yesterday at a friend's house.

It will come as a horrible shock to possibly someone that I--yes, apparently-mild-mannered I--was the murderer, having slain my own father in a harsh and premeditated fashion earlier that day.

In my defense, my father was skimming money from the trust fund left for me by my dead mother, and had tried to hire my lover to kill me first. Said lover refused, which is very touching, although I'm still a little put out at the fact that he was not so reluctant to dispose of my mother and brother (again at my father's request and in exhange for cash that really should have been mine).

Any slowdown in posting in the near future should be attributed to the fact that murder trials take up a lot of one's time.

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