Wednesday, November 18, 2009

O.M.G. [Swoon] Movie Review: New Moon

So this movie? New Moon?--everything I expected. Take that as you will.

We saw it with an entertainingly enthusiastic preview audience, so the showing was punctuated with applause, laughter, raucous hooting, and the occasional shout of "take it off!"

Seriously, I am not even going to run over the plot, because if you don't already know, you don't care. The story follows the book quite closely, as far as I recall (I read the book, but it was a year or more ago, so I can't swear to my memory of it).

But here are some general things you can expect if you choose to go see this film:

  • Lots of longing glances
  • Lots of hesitations before speaking (also long pauses!)
  • Lots of well-muscled, shirtless guys
  • Lots of attractively moody scenery (I did enjoy this)
  • Lots of extremely pale, moody people
  • Only moderately cheesy giant wolf effects (I do enjoy giant wolf action)
  • Some fairly heavily cheesy gothic vampire characters
  • Ever so much seething romantic tension! Seething, I tell you!

A few injuries and references to people getting sick, but no one spends any time in the library. Sigh.

I thought the character of Bella came across as less whiny than in the books, which was a plus. I also give the movie major props for the way they cover the movie that Bella goes to see, which was hilarious. (Face Punch! Best action movie title ever!)

It was two hours and felt slightly longer, but didn't make me actually check my watch.

Brief wrap-up: if you liked the first movie in this series, you'll probably enjoy this one.

If you don't know what the fuss is about but are curious, you probably want to see the first one first (and/or, just read the books a few times), on account of this one doesn't fill in the backstory for you.

But if you just want the giant wolves and seething romantic tension, dive right in.


1 comment:

Dean Sanderson said...

If they keep Dakota Fanning for the next Twilight installment they'll have to give her a bigger role, maybe have her hook up with Jacob, etc.