Although this turnip, forgotten in a bag on top of the refrigerator for who knows how many months, had become scarily gray and fuzzy on the outside, as well as starting to sprout small leaves, it was perfectly fine once I cut off the peel.
Back in the day, when we didn't have refrigerators and took our food storage cues from squirrels, a vegetable you could just leave somewhere for months and still eat once you rediscovered it was a pretty good thing.
Still is for those of us who apparently still take food storage cues from squirrels...I roasted it the other day with some sweet potatoes olive oil and it made a tasty snack.
The moral is, turnips are seriously robust.
does this mean I can leave out potatoes, and can eat them after sprouting eyes? Oh the imponderables
There's only one way to know! Try it and report back! Ha. I do eat sprouted potatoes, but only after carefully cutting out the sprouts, eyes, and surrounding flesh. And sometimes they taste pretty bitter by then.
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